Anyone who knows me will tell you that I try to reach for a natural remedy before a drug store product. I think the main reason is because I have always been so sensitive. Growing up I would get very bad rashes and had vicious allergies that would wreak havoc on my skin, eyes and overall mood. Let's just say it wasn't fun or pretty.
In any case, as I got older ( and wiser) I started to find natural remedies for my many ailments. I have been told by many that my skin is very smooth and have been mistaken for someone 10 years my, I am not tootin' my own horn but hey, I must be doing something right! Right?
One particular product I tend to come back to time and time again is Tea Tree Oil (I purchase mine from here It is considered a natural antibacterial disinfectant and I happen to be partial to the smell. Call me weird because it does have an interesting smell but I rather enjoy it...the taste however is not my favorite. It has been used for hundreds of years originally by the aborigine tribes because of its many medicinal benefits.
Tea tree oil can be used on acne, great for fungal and bacterial skin ailments, blisters, rashes, can even use it as a mouthwash. It can also be used by the whole family which is an added bonus. You don't have to worry about using it on the babies or kiddies. Just remember to cut it with water or olive oil if you are using a pure version. Sometimes you can buy it already mixed with Vitamin E. I could go on and on.
I wouldn't necessarily whip it out and put it on any of my clients during a gig or anything like that because of its strong scent. Mainly because I wouldn't want to offend anyone but like I said I have learned to appreciate the smell....and so has my skin ( and body for that matter).
Stay "BE YOU"tiful!
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